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Version: 2.6

Add TCOS backup location

Tencent Cloud Object storage (COS) provides an S3 compatible storage service for distributed environments. Portworx Backup allows you to add a COS bucket as backup location allowing you to directly use the COS service.


Ensure that the following configurations are taken care before adding COS as backup target from the Portworx Backup user interface:

  • Prepare your COS service by creating a cloud account and activating your COS service

  • Prepare the APPID and access key to add COS cloud account in Portworx Backup

  • Create a bucket in COS

  • Create an S3 compatible object store cloud account in Portworx Backup. Refer Add an AWS/S3 cloud account for more information to add an AWS/S3 compatible object store cloud account

Add the backup location

Perform the following steps to add COS bucket as backup location:

  1. From the home page, select Settings, Cloud Settings to open the cloud settings page:

    Cloud settings

  2. In the Backup Locations section, select Add:

    Add new backup location

  3. Populate the following fields:

    • Name: specify the name for the backup location, Portworx Backup displays this name as backup location name in the user interface

    • Cloud Account: choose the S3 compatible cloud account (you created in Step 1) this backup location will use to create backups.

    • Path / Bucket: specify the path of the bucket or the name of the bucket that this backup location will place backups into

    • Encryption key (Optional): enter the optional encryption key to encrypt your backups in-transit. For more information on encryption support, refer Encryption matrix.

    • Region: with the name of your AWS/S3 compatible object store cloud account region

    • Endpoint: with the URL of your cloud storage server or provider

    • Disable SSL: select this option if your on-premises S3-compliant object store does not support SSL/TLS

    • Storage class: choose the S3 storage class your cloud backups should use Configure TCOS backup location

  4. Click Add.

Now you can use this backup location that resides on Tencent Cloud to create and restore your application data.

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