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Snapshots operations using pxctl

Creating snapshots

Listing Snapshots

To list existing snapshots, you can use pxctl volume list. Let's have a look at the available flags:

pxctl volume list --help
List volumes in the cluster

pxctl volume list [flags]

list, l

-a, --all show all volumes, including snapshots
-g, --group string show all volumes for given group
-h, --help help for list
-l, --label string list of comma-separated name=value pairs
--name string volume name used during creation if any
--node string show all volumes whose replica is present on the given node
-p, --parent string show all snapshots created for given volume
--pool-uid string show all volumes whose replica is present on the given pool
--sched-policy string filter volumes by sched policy
-s, --snapshot show all snapshots (read-only volumes)
--snapshot-schedule show all schedule created snapshots
-t, --time show all volumes sorted by creation time
-v, --volumes show only volumes

Global Flags:
--ca string path to root certificate for ssl usage
--cert string path to client certificate for ssl usage
--color output with color coding
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.pxctl.yaml)
--context string context name that overrides the current auth context
-j, --json output in json
--key string path to client key for ssl usage
--output-type string use "wide" to show more details
--raw raw CLI output for instrumentation
--ssl ssl enabled for portworx

User created snapshots

To list your user created snapshots, use one of the following commands:

pxctl volume list --all
ID          NAME                                    SIZE    HA  SHARED  ENCRYPTED   COMPRESSED  IO_PRIORITY SCALE   STATUS
234835613696329810 mysnap 1 GiB 1 no no no LOW 1 up - detached
1125771388930868153 myvol 1 GiB 1 no no no LOW 1 up - detached

The above command shows all volumes, including snapshots.


pxctl volume list --snapshot
ID          NAME                                    SIZE    HA  SHARED  ENCRYPTED   COMPRESSED  IO_PRIORITY SCALE   STATUS
234835613696329810 mysnap 1 GiB 1 no no no LOW 1 up - detached

The above command shows only snapshots.

Scheduled snapshots

To list all your scheduled snapshots, run this command:

pxctl volume list --snapshot-schedule
ID          NAME                                    SIZE    HA  SHARED  ENCRYPTED   COMPRESSED  IO_PRIORITYSCALE    STATUS
423119103642927058 myvol_periodic_2018_Feb_26_21_12 1 GiB 1 no no no LOW 1up - detached

Filtering the results

You can filter the results with the –parent and –label options. For instance, –parent myvol will show only snapshots whose parent is myvol (i.e. mynsap):

pxctl volume list --parent myvol --snapshot
234835613696329810 mysnap 1 GiB 1 no no no LOW 1 up - detached

Giving labels restricts the list to snapshots that have all of the specified labels. For instance, –label fabric=wool would again show mysnap but –label fabric=cotton won't.

pxctl volume list --parent myvol --snapshot --label fabric=wool
234835613696329810 mysnap 1 GiB 1 no no no LOW 1 up - detached

Deleting snapshots

To delete a snapshot, run pxctl volume delete with the name or the id of the snapshot you want to delete as an argument:

pxctl volume delete mysnap
Delete volume 'mysnap', proceed ? (Y/N): y
Volume mysnap successfully deleted.

Only detached snapshots can be deleted.

Restoring snapshots

Snapshot schedule policies

You can use the pxctl sched-policy command to create and manage your snapshot schedule policies.

For more information on how to create, list, update, and delete your snapshot schedule policies with pxctl, see this page.

Snapshot schedules

If you create a volume and a snapshot schedule at the same time, you can use and combine as needed the following four scheduling options:

  • –-periodic,
  • –-daily,
  • –-weekly and
  • –-monthly.

Scheduled snapshots have names of the form <Parent-Name>_<freq>_<creation_time>, where <freq> denotes the schedule frequency (i.e., periodic, daily, weekly, monthly):


As an example, to create a new volume named myvol and to schedule:

  1. a periodic snapshot for every 60 min and a
  2. daily snapshot at 8:00 am and a
  3. weekly snapshot on Friday at 23:30 pm and
  4. monthly snapshot on the 1st of the month at 6:00 am.

you would run this command:

pxctl volume create --periodic 60 --daily @08:00 --weekly Friday@23:30 --monthly 1@06:00 myvol

Here's another example. In order to create a volume named myvol and to schedule:

  1. 10 periodic snapshots that trigger every 120 min and
  2. 3 daily snapshots that trigger at 8:00 am

you would run the following:

pxctl volume create --periodic 120,10 --daily @08:00,3 myvol

Once the count is reached, the oldest existing one will be deleted if necessary.

Changing a snapshot schedule

To change the snapshot schedule for a given volume, use the pxctl volume snap-interval-update command.

First, let's see the available flags:

pxctl volume snap-interval-update --help
Update volume configuration

pxctl volume snap-interval-update [flags]

snap-interval-update, snap

pxctl volume snap-interval-update [flags] volName

-d, --daily strings daily snapshot at specified hh:mm,k (keeps 7 by default)
-h, --help help for snap-interval-update
-m, --monthly strings monthly snapshot at specified day@hh:mm,k (keeps 12 by default)
-p, --periodic string periodic snapshot interval in mins,k (keeps 5 by default), 0 disables all schedule snapshots
--policy string policy names separated by comma
-w, --weekly strings weekly snapshot at specified weekday@hh:mm,k (keeps 5 by default)

Global Flags:
--ca string path to root certificate for ssl usage
--cert string path to client certificate for ssl usage
--color output with color coding
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.pxctl.yaml)
--context string context name that overrides the current auth context
-j, --json output in json
--key string path to client key for ssl usage
--output-type string use "wide" to show more details
--raw raw CLI output for instrumentation
--ssl ssl enabled for portworx

In the below example, the old snapshot schedule is replaced with a daily snapshot triggered at 15:00 pm (5 snapshots are kept):

pxctl volume snap-interval-update --daily @15:00,5 myvol

Disabling scheduled snapshots

To disable scheduled snapshot for a given volume, use --periodic 0 on snap-interval-update:

pxctl volume snap-interval-update --periodic 0 myvol

View the snapshot schedule for a volume

To view the snapshot schedule for a volume, use the pxctl volume inspect command as follows:

pxctl volume inspect myvol
Volume  :  1125771388930868153
Name : myvol
Size : 1.0 GiB
Format : ext4
HA : 1
IO Priority : LOW
Creation time : Feb 26 18:06:31 UTC 2018
Snapshot : daily @15:00,keep last 5
Shared : no
Status : up
State : Attached: minion1
Device Path : /dev/pxd/pxd1125771388930868153
Reads : 54
Reads MS : 152
Bytes Read : 1105920
Writes : 53
Writes MS : 841
Bytes Written : 16891904
IOs in progress : 0
Bytes used : 48 MiB
Replica sets on nodes:
Set 0
Node : X.X.X.84 (Pool 0)
Replication Status : Up

For information about creating snapshots of your Portworx volumes, refer to the Create and use snapshots page.

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